Monday, February 21, 2011

Library As Spa?

West Seneca Library

One might think that I would get over the excitement of walking into a library on a  snowy Saturday afternoon.  I even find it hard to fathom why strolling into the modest branch in West Seneca, N.Y. fills me with anticipation and a peace that has eluded me all week.  To be honestly, the library doesn’t get all the credit, there are a few related factors that I must first confess...

1.  I have three hours to myself and no one knows where I am.  No one.  You probably won’t understand this singular joy unless you are a mother and/or an elementary school teacher - I am both.  The quiet and anonymity of the library , particularly a library located about an hour from home, is bliss.  

2.  No one is following me around asking me to check their work, help them with long division, log them onto the computer, use the bathroom, take them to the mall/movies/store, wash their jeans or make them something to eat.

3.  There are no animals at the  library to be fed, walked, shooed or cleaned up after - when I sit down there is no cat cleaning their private parts on my keyboard or tracking muddy feet across my papers.  The comfy library chair at my clean study carol is not awash in cat hair.  

4.  There is a clean, accessible bathroom nearby.  

OK, deep breath, I sound bitter and obviously need more sleep.  Honestly, I love being a mom, teacher and sometimes pet owner.  But the fact remains that there are few places in the world that protect peacefulness for free and place no demands on your time (like work).  It’s like a spa for poor people (without the massage).

Of course, there is more to the library than enforced quietude - there are the books.  The minute I walk in the door I feel their vibes of possibility, hope and potential - it is palpable.  So many subjects to explore, so many stories to get lost in, so many voices waiting to be heard.  Time stops and the ‘to do’ list disappears.  Shelves of books release a comfort and calm, like the veggie spritzers at the grocery store, that cannot be replicated, they invite you to sit, breath and dream.  That is an invitation that never fails to excite me.

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